Friday, July 6, 2012

Bring Your Medical Practice Into the 21st Century with Medisoft

Is your medical office still relying on paper charts and outmoded medical billing software? Medisoft EMR or Medisoft Clinical can bring you into the 21st century and help your office run more smoothly – as well as helping your qualify for financial incentives offered by the federal government.
Right now, there are some serious incentives on the table to help you bring your medical practice into the 21st century using electronic patient records and medical billing software. The HITECH Act and Patient Protection Affordable Care Act of 2010 – commonly called the Affordable Care Act – provide incentives for adopting electronic medical records and using a medical software solution like Medisoft Clinical or Medisoft EMR. When you team electronic patient records with medical billing software – and throw in a few extra perks that help with the business end of your medical practice – you’ll realize a wide range of benefits.
Meaningful Use Incentives
Meaningful Use incentives are meant to encourage practices like yours to adopt electronic patient records and use medical billing software and medical records software in “meaningful” ways. There are specific standards your office must reach as well as reporting requirements you must follow, but the rewards can be a total of up to $64,800 over 5 years for one program and more than $40,000 over five years for the other. The software you choose must also be approved by the Department of Health and Human Services in order to qualify you for the incentives. McKesson Medisoft offers several choices that comply with all the requirements and have been approved for Meaningful Use incentives. They include Medisoft EMR and Medisoft Clinical v.17.
Reduction in Billing Errors
When you choose Medisoft EMR with Codes, all the current billing codes are integrated within and throughout your patient charts. The Medisoft Bright Note technology allows you to enter notes during a patient encounter using a variety of methods – stylus, voice and keyboard among them. Those notes will then be populated to all relevant fields in the patient’s medical chart. That saves your office staff the time and trouble of having to transfer notes from your patient encounter form to medical records and medical billing forms, and greatly reduces the possibility of medical errors and billing errors that can hold up reimbursement for months.
Those are just two of the benefits you get when you adopt Medisoft EMR or Medisoft Clinical v.17 for your medical practice. Find out how McKesson Medisoft can free up your time for patient care and help you fill empty appointment slots by calling an independent affiliate and asking about how Medisoft EMR and medical billing software can help in your practice.

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