Sunday, May 20, 2012

Five Advantages to Using Medisoft Clinical Medical Records and Billing Software

Running a medical practice in today’s complicated world requires far more than good medical and people skills. A small, one or two person practice might have been able, once upon a time, to run with a single office person to keep the books. With today’s reporting and record-keeping requirements – not to mention the necessities of third-party billing – that’s no longer possible. Electronic billing and medical management software is an absolute must for even the smallest practice. The right electric patient records software can provide you with far more than the ability to track billing and appointments, though. Thanks to Medisoft from McKesson, even the smallest office can have the same capabilities enjoyed by major hospitals and clinics. These are just a few of the advantages your practice will enjoy when you choose to use Medisoft Clinical practice management software.
A Single Integrated Database
Many medical offices run separate programs for billing, electronic medical records and appointment scheduling. Each program runs its own database, and coordinating them all can create major workflow bottlenecks. McKesson Medisoft EMR and Medisoft Clinical integrates all of these separate databases into one, putting all of your important records in one place. That provides unparalleled access among all of the functions you need, reducing time and streamlining all operations.
Efficient Workflow Management
Medisoft EMR lets you track and follow patients from first contact to final discharge. It’s an all-in-one appointment scheduling, office workflow, encounter management and billing solution that will work for every small to medium-sized medical practice.
Billing Integration and Codes
Medisoft Clnical with codes has billing and diagnostic codes built into the software so that your office staff doesn’t have to look them up. In fact, you can set up the EMR to automatically populate all billing forms with information from the patient chart, reducing the likelihood of errors and increasing efficiency for your staff. Your bottom line will look better, and your staff will think you’re a hero.
Diagnostic Suggestions and Cautionary Popups
Connect your Medisoft EMR to national databases for access to the latest research, best practices and treatment guidelines for nearly any symptoms and diagnoses. McKesson Medisoft can also track prescriptions and recommendations and warn you about possible interactions and contraindications in your patients’ health files.
EMR Adoption Incentives
Several Medisoft EMR products help qualify your practice for HHS meaningful use incentives, authorized by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Talk to a Medisoft affiliate to learn more about which Medisoft EMR products qualify for government incentive payments.
If you’re still running your medical practice with clunky “custom” EMR solutions, take a serious look at Medisoft Clinical practice management software. You’ll be surprised how affordable Medisoft is and how much it does.


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