Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How Medisoft Electronic Patient Records Improves Patient Care

Medisoft, the number one name in affordable electronic patient records, provides many benefits beyond ease of billing. In fact, many of the benefits of Medisoft Clinical and Medisoft EMR directly improve patient care by streamlining records, integrating databases and providing access to the most current care and prescription guidelines available. When you start using Medisoft EMR practice management software in your practice, you’ll find that you can focus your attention on patient care and service and let the record-keeping take care of itself.
Integrated Databases
In many small practices, the billing, appointment and patient record software resembles a Frankenstienian mess of cobbled together pieces. Billing records live in one database; patient encounter notes in another; appointments and scheduling in yet a third. Doctors take notes on paper charts or enter them into patient chart software. Those notes then have to be transcribed to another database for billing and another for reporting. The whole process provides multiple opportunities for errors to be introduced and information to be lost. Medisoft Clinical v. 17 EMR software combines all of the various functions that your office requires into one database, making it easier for your staff and for you to enter and access all the information you need. And since all the information you enter into a patient chart automatically populates throughout the database, the likelihood of transcription errors is reduced to practically non-existent.
Integrated Workdesks
Never miss an important message again. Every authorized staff member – including you – has an integrated desktop that gives one-screen access to everything you need throughout the day. The desktops can be customized according to role and high-level security ensures complete HIPAA compliance. Only those who are authorized to access information will be able to access it. The integrated workdesk puts everything you need at your fingertips. Message alerts bring important messages to your attention. Access patient charts from one screen. Review charts for upcoming appointments and pull up lab results and any other important information without having to search through a paper record or sift through multiple databases.
Popup Alerts
Set popup alerts to notify you of prescription contraindications, possible medication interactions and suggested diagnoses drawn from a national database that’s constantly updated with new standards and information. Easily search for information on conditions or treatment specifications directly from your desktop during a patient encounter and provide the latest information to your patients.
Additional McKesson Medisoft products provide extended functionality for your Medisoft applications, including automated rescheduling for your patients, automated reminder notices for appointments and patient access to their own medical charts and recommendations online.
Medisoft practice management software provides top-of-the-line patient electronic records management at prices that are affordable for even the smallest practices. For more information on how Medisoft can help your practice step into the 21st century, contact a Medisoft EMR affiliate today.

1 comment:

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